Go Foundation’s mission is to empower Indigenous Australian youth to change their own lives. With its trusted partners, and with culture at the heart of everything they do, they provide mentoring and support to GO students on their journey from Kindergarten to employment. They wanted to underscore and raise awareness around the importance if continuing education.
“Education Gives You Freedom” is the next campaign in the #GOFurther series for GO Foundation, on the connection between further education and better outcomes for our young kids.
The #GOFurther campaign shares stories of inspiration and encouragement from various indigenous leaders — Adam Goodes (Co-Founder of the GO Foundation), Brooke Boney (media correspondent/news broadcaster) and Jake Thomson (AIME) — encouraging youth to challenge themselves, have the life they dream of and that they are all born superheroes.
GO Foundation’s brief to us was to create a new campaign that moved beyond the Founders stories, and the creative challenge was for the audience to feel “at least 3 seconds of WOW” once the videos had played out!
In this series, we followed the personal journey stories of 2 young indigenous scholars, Lua and Yarren, and trace their footsteps from authentic country to the horizon line of the future. The immersive cross-cultural narrative aims to inspire and change perceptions once and for all, and works with culturally sensitive topics to surface a positive message of empowerment — “Education is the way forward”.
The “Education Gives You Freedom” campaign received over 2.5 million impressions on Twitter alone, major new partnerships emerged, GO Foundation has launched in a new city (Adelaide), and most importantly, many more young indigenous students will get scholarships for further education.
Lua’s Story
Yarran’s Story