“Better Infrastructure for a Better World” – Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia

Whether we know it or not, infrastructure and its design plays a huge role in our daily experience. The art, science and sustainability of said infrastructure is also an evolving landscape; therefore so is the practise of creating it. The Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA), a member-based not-for-profit public and private industry council, is the peak industry body for advancing sustainability outcomes in infrastructure, and exists to lift those practices and raise awareness, engagement and generate traction for this industry. They specialise in the facilitation and development of industry led performance based integrated triple-bottom-line governance and reporting frameworks, decision tools and rating tools; generating communities of practise throughout the lifecycle from funding, planning, procurement, design and delivery to operations and maintenance.

One of ISCA’s primary events is its annual conference and awards evening, held this year from 17-19 October 2017 at the Melbourne Convention Centre. The event will bring together the leaders from across the industry and give ISCA a good opportunity to show off the size and engagement of its community.

Digital Storytellers created an event vision story for ISCA, using the event as an opportunity to explain and communicate the vision and mission of ISCA’s work, and to position it for future leadership. The video was live edited and screened at the closing plenary, and will also be used on their new website.
